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Audiolab 6000A

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kr 9 990

Audiolab 6000A er lillebroren til den legendariske Audiolab 8300A og gir ufattelig god valuta for pengene med fantastisk lydkvalitet, trådløs streaming og digitale innganger.

Noen ganger dukker det opp produkter som gir nesten umulig god valuta for pengene. Audiolab 6000A er helt klart et slikt produkt.


6000A er på mange måter en typisk tradisjonell britisk forsterker på 2 x 50w hvor fokuset er på høy lydkvalitet, musikalsk engasjement og avhengighetsskapende rytmikk og driv. Om 6000A "kun" hadde levert dette hadde det fortsatt vært et fantastisk produkt til prisen, men når forsterkeren i tillegg har platespillerinngang, trådløs streaming, digitale innganger, forforsterker- og hodetefonutgang går den fra å være et godt - til et fantastisk kjøp.


Det aller mest oppsiktsvekkende er dog hvordan Audiolab har klart å pakke alt dette inn i et nydelig aluminiumskabinett til under 10.000,- kroner da det hverken er spart på kvaliteten eller kreftene....Spesifikasjonsmessig er 6000A tvert om ekseksjonelt vellbygget med isolert ringkjernestrømforsyning, diskret klasse AB-konstruksjon, kondensatorbank på hele 60.000uF, strømstyrke på 9 (!) Ampere, JFET RIAA-trinn og ES9018 Sabre32 D/A-konverter.


Britisk forsterker med upåklagelig stamtavle, fantastisk lydkvalitet og funksjonalitet til under kr 10.000,- ... løp og kjøp!



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An amplifier remains the beating heart of any high-performance audio system, but in 2018 a truly versatile integrated amp needs to cover many bases - digital and analogue sources, wireless connectivity for portable devices, a phono stage to cater for vinyl playback, amplification for headphones as well as speakers… That's a lot to pack in, whilst keeping performance high and the price tag affordable - and yet, that's exactly what the 6000A delivers.



Digital circuitry


Much effort has been made to ensure the 6000A's digital circuitry delivers the level of quality one might expect of a high-performance standalone DAC. As ever, Audiolab has turned to the ES9018 Sabre32 Reference chip family to perform D/A conversion, utilising ESS Technology's 32-bit HyperStream architecture and Time Domain Jitter Eliminator to deliver ultra-low noise and high dynamic range. No company knows more about making the most of this technically excellent, but challenging, DAC technology than Audiolab. If the circuitry that surrounds the ES9018 is not of sufficient standard, the resulting sound can seem a little cold and hard; treat it right, however, and the level of musical expression that this chip digs from the digital signal is captivating. Audiolab's original, universally acclaimed M-DAC was one of the first home audio components to incorporate an ES9018 chip back in 2011, and the company has been honing its implementation ever since.



Analogue circuitry


The 6000A's discrete Class AB power amp stage delivers 50W per channel into eight ohms, with a maximum current delivery of 9 Amps into difficult loads. The output stage of the discrete power amp circuits uses a CFB (Complementary Feedback) topology, ensuring superior linearity and excellent thermal stability, as the idle current is kept independent of the temperature of the output transistors. A substantial 200VA toroidal transformer, followed by 4x15000uF reservoir capacity (60000uF in total), helps the amp to maintain firm control of the music whilst enabling excellent dynamic range. The preamp section is kept as simple as possible to maintain signal purity, with line input signals passing to a precision analogue volume stage. The latter covers the range from -80dB to +8dB in steps of 2dB and 1dB (step resolution increases with volume position). Much effort has gone into the physical layout of the 6000A's circuitry, protecting the sensitive preamp section from noise interference. This, plus the use of independent low-noise power supplies for critical stages, helps to deliver a performance that rivals significantly more expensive analogue amplifiers, even before taking the 6000A's impressive digital circuitry into account.



Turntables and headphones


In recognition of the recent vinyl revival, Audiolab has included a phono stage for moving magnet phono cartridges – a high-quality, low-noise, JFET-based circuit with precise RIAA equalisation.


Similarly, an increasing number of people are using headphones for music listening, so Audiolab has incorporated a dedicated headphone amp with current-feedback circuitry. Its gain bandwidth and high slew rate ensure a dynamic, detailed and engaging performance with all manner of headphone types – more boxes ticked for this most integrated of integrated amplifiers.




Gain (max.) +8dB (Line)
+55dB (Phono MM)
Input Sensitivity 720mV (Line, Volume = 0dB)
3.1mV (Phono MM, Volume=0dB)
Input Impedance 10K (Line)
47K//100pF (Phono MM)
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.0004% (Line, 1KHz @ 2V, Volume = 0dB)
Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz (+/-0.1dB)
Output Voltage 2.3V max. (Volume = 0dB)
Output Impedance 120 ohm
Signal-to-Noise Ration (S/N) > 110dB (Line, A-weighted)
  >76dB (Phono MM, A-weighted)
D to A converter ES9018K2M
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.0006% (1KHz @ 0dBFS)
Output level (0dBFS, 1KHz) 2.05V
Max. Sampling Frequency 192KHz
Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) > 112dB (A-weighted)
Digital Filters Fast Roll-off , Slow Roll-off , Minimum Phase
Power Amplifier Section  
Gain +29dB
Rated Max. Power Output 2 X 50W (8 ohm, THD<1%)
2 X 75W (4 ohm, THD<1%)
Frequency Response 20Hz-20kHz (+/-0.3dB)
Input Sensitivity 720mV
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) <0.003% (1kHz @ 40W/8ohm)
Signal-to-Noise ratio (S/N) > 110dB (A-weighted)
Max. Output Current 9A
Headphone Amplifier  
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.01% (1kHz, 50mW)
Output Impedance 2.35 ohm
Load impedance 20-600 ohm
Standby Power Consumption <0.5W
Power Requirements 240V ~ 50 - 60Hz
  230V ~ 50 - 60Hz
  115V ~ 50 - 60Hz
  100V ~ 50 - 60Hz
Dimensions (mm) (W x H x D) 445 x 65.5 x 300
Carton Size (mm) (W x H x D) 512 x 467 x 146
Weight 7.8kg (Net)



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