mbl 6010D

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kr 309 995
MBL 6010D er et totalt kompromissløst og utrolig vakkert produkt som bør oppleves for virkelig å kunne forstå hvor flott det egentlig er. Dette er MBLs absolutt beste forforsterker og her er det ikke spart nå noe.

Med en vekt på over 35kg veier den mer en de fleste effektforsterkere på markedet og byggekvalitet og utførelse er så bra som det kan få blitt. Hver eneste del lages for hånd på fabrikken i Berlin hvor produktet gjennomgår de absolutt strengeste kvalitetskontroller før det draperes i fløyel, pakkes i sin egen aluminiumsflightcase og sendes til kunden.

Selv om 6010D er kostbar vil prisen framstå som relativt rimelig så snart du beskuer et eksemplar i virkeligheten. Kvalitetsfølelsen i kabinett, volumkontroll og inngangsvelgere er virkelig noe for seg selv, men dette er selvfølgelig som en ren bonus å regne, da det er den lydmessige ytelsen som skiller 6010D fra resten av produktene på markedet. Fra det høyeste lyse til det dypeste mørke vil 6010D gjengi all slags musikk med intet mindre enn perfeksjon.

Som midstykke i et MBL Reference Line - system vil du oppleve musikkgjengivelse du ikke trodde var mulig verken i eller utenfor konsertsalen.

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Tekniske spesifikasjoner (pdf)

Informasjon fra produsent:

MBL’s Radialstrahler series of loudspeakers is so visually and sonically arresting that people often forget that MBL doesn’t only design speaker systems—we design music systems.

Each product in our Reference Series—the 9011 Reference Monoblock Amplifier, the 1621A CD and the 1622 SACD Transports, the 1611F Reference Digital-to-Analog Converter, and the 6010D Reference Preamplifier—is as critical to the MBL sound as is our loudspeakers.

Customers and critics around the globe have named the 6010D the world’s finest sounding preamplifier; indeed, many refer to it simply as “The Preamplifier.”

At the heart of the 6010D lies a massive power supply, crafted from the finest available parts. Of course, this level of engineering and attention to detail—call it an obsession with the finest—is found in every inch of the 6010D’s striking and overbuilt chassis.

Our components are manufactured individually through precise craftsmanship. The perfectly aligned electronics constitute the cornerstone of music reproduction. Sockets, switches, plugs and potentiometers of the highest quality ensure perfect interaction. The cabinet construction is designed for the optimal signal flow between the individual electronic plug-in units. From an optical viewpoint, this results in an unconventional, functional image which contradicts all fashionable contemporary trends.

The perfect high gloss varnish of the cabinet units, applied in several coats and subsequently polished to a high sheen.

Chief operating elements – the volume regulator and the incoming selector switch – are turned from solid brass. The high-gloss polished, 24-carat gold plated surface of these operating elements provides an optically appealing contrast to the device’s high-gloss black coloration. For fans of the colder “Arctic Silver” version, these elements have been plated with high-gloss chromium, thereby emphasizing quality without appearing obtrusive.

The technical concept of plug-in technology offers the option of updating your device individually. Subsequent additions or adjustments to new technology are feasible at any time. The basic device, built up as a complete pre-amplifier, is equipped with two CD inputs, a tuner input, two tape recorder attachments (or DAT), as well as six output terminals. Two existing slots can be optionally fitted with Phonomodules (MM or MC), Balanced or CD direct inputs. Similar to a precision instrument, all input signals can be fine-tuned. This adjustment is implemented via the integrated level unit – easily and individually. A processor input (bypass) is provided for the possible connection of the high-end system with the video processor.

Totally relaxed and concentrating on the music, the volume is optimally set for the respective acoustic environment via the infrared remote control. All inputs and outlets can be operated by remote control.

The power unit especially developed for the mbl 6010 D provides an abundance of energy. Comparable with the engine of a sports car, the power unit’s design is an essential factor in determining the quality of reproduction. The power unit of the mbl 6010 D is equivalent to a powerhouse equipped with all imaginable technical finesse: guarding technology, mains filter, Mu-metal encapsulated toroidal core transformers, high-speed senseline voltage regulation … all of which is scrupulously conceived, because perfection is our goal.

When the Stradivarius sings and a feeling of well-being sets in, you can rest assured that a considerable amount of work involving the tuning of the linear amplifiers has gone on behind the scenes. The CD inputs contain sophisticated bias current compensators thus eliminating the need for coupling capacitors in the signal path and distortion sinks below the range of measurement – resulting in an unparalleled, unadulterated acoustic pattern.

The signal path from the output driver amplifiers is also undisturbed by capacitors. The optimal solution for maximum reproduction quality. Combining the mbl 6010 D with any power amp or active speakers is no problem at all.

Highly resolving but never analytical, the 6010D’s unparalleled levels of detail, dynamic range, and transparency to the original source, combined with its warm, almost luscious tone colors, provides the listener with an exceptional window on the soul of the music. Prepare to be enraptured.

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