Lydmessig har den en ekstremt ren, men usedvanlig dynamisk gjenngivelse. Om du er glad i detaljer, men til tider synes at anlegget ditt kan tendere til å lyde litt skarpt er antagelig dette kabelen for deg da den klinger spesiellt godt ut i toppen. Denne kabelens store styrker er superglatt gjenngivelse, fyldig lydbilde og en fantastisk bassrespons uten at det går på bekostning av detaljene i toppen.
Anbefales på det varmeste, spesiellt om du ønsker deg et litt fyldigere/mykere lydbilde enn gjennomsnittskabelen.
Kabelen kan også leveres i RCA-versjon og heter da JPR-15000.
Informasjon fra produsent:
·Large diameter, high-purity 7N-Class 99.99998% pure copper ensures lower impedance. Dia Ultra Crystallized Copper (DUCC), While keeping the same crystal size of conventional high-purity conductors, allows for an even higher grade conductor with optimized structural crystal alignment, resulting in significantly improved conductivity. .
· The integrated bound structure of the Left and Right channels minimizes unwanted ground loops.
· A newly developed adjustable branch holder with integral aluminum cover allows the length of the terminal to the holder to be easily adjusted without compromising the structural performance or appearance.
· The non-twisted core structure eliminates unwanted inductance yielding unconstrained and lively sound.
· Individual shielding for hot and cold transmission lines reduces line-to-line capacitance by half.
· The internal and external sheathing pigment consists of non-magnetic carbon maintaining high sound quality with no coloration. The outer sheath color is vivid blue.
· JPR-15000 series cables feature newly developed, easy to connect, high quality, highly conductive RCA connectors. The JPC-15000 are fitted with genuine Neutric XLR connectors.